MQ Photonics Research Centre
MQ Photonics News
May/June 2014:
Congratulations to Dr Douglas Little for being winner of the NMI 2014 Award.
April / May 2014:
for MQ Photonics this month in the high-impact journal Laser and Photonics Reviews. Papers on diamond brightness conversion and a novel single photon source. Meany et al have the back cover image:
Congratulations to Aaron McKay, Ondrej Kitzler and Richard Mildren.
Congratulations to Thomas Meany et al.
For more details, see MQ Photonics Newsletter issue 60 page 8 & 9.
May 2013:
CONGRATULATIONS to Dr Yiqing Lu for being winning the prestigious ISAC Scholar (2013-2017) by the International Society for Advancement of Cytometry (ISAC).
Also to Tim (Jiangbo) Zhao for being selected as finalist to the 2013 Exceptional Student Award by CYTO 2013.
March 2013:
CONGRATULATIONS to Jana Say for getting onto the cover of Nature Nanotechnology.
See here for more details.
CONGRATULATIONS to team lead by Ewa Goldys and Dayong Jin for getting onto the cover of Nanoscale.
CONGRATULATIONS to Chetan Nichkawde for having a diagram selected for display on Physical Review E website as part of their “Kaleidoscope”.
See here for more details.
Jan 2013: We have moved
Happy new year to all!
We start afresh this year with a new head office location across the Eastern Rd in Bld E6B. Our new location details are here.
December 2012: Macquarie University Research Fellowship
Congratulations to Dr. Run Zhang for being awarded one Macquarie University Research Fellowship 2013 -2015! See here for more details.
September 2012: Outstanding Poster Award at the Gordon Research Conferences
Congratulations to Annemarie Nadort for winning the Outstanding Poster Award at the Gordon Research Conferences, Lasers in Medicine & Biology Towards Molecular Imaging In Vivo. See here for more details.
September 2012: MQ Student Researcher Award
Congratulations to 3rd year student Reece Roberts for winning the MQ Student Researcher Award. See here for more details.
July 2012: Congress Awards of ISAC 2012
Congratulations to Lu Yiqing and Tim Zhao for winning 2012 Congress Awards of ISAC (International Society of Advancement for Cytometry)! See here for more details.
May 2012: CLEO San Jose 2012 Newport Student Travel Grant Winner
Congratulations to Ondrej Kitzler, one of 15 winners of the OSA Foundation Travel Grant at the recent CLEO Meeting in San Jose, for his paper on high power cw diamond Raman lasers.
April 2012: publication selected by the editors of New Journal of Physics for inclusion in the exclusive ‘Highlights of 2011’ collection.
Congratulations to Martin Ams, Graham Msrahll and Mick Withford for their publication titled "Two-photon quantum walks in an elliptical direct-write waveguide array” being selected in highlights of 2011 collection of New Journal of Physics. See here for more details.
August 2011: ECLEO PacRim 2011 Award Winners
Congratulations to Jana Say and Simon Gross for winning their respective categories best poster and best ACOFT student presentation (the Wanda Henry Prize). The picture shows the winners with Australian Optical Society President A/Prof Judith Dawes.
July 2011: MQ Photonics research shows UV causes diamond to evaporate. Low levels of pulsed 266 nm light caused diamond surfaces to be etched at highly predictable rates & without graphite formation. The work is published in Optical Materials Express (Aug Issue) and highlighted in Nature News.
Dec 2010: Raman Laser team (Helen Pask, Andrew Lee, David Spence, Jim Piper and partners Opto-Global) and the GALD team (Russell Connally and John Funnell) both received Highly Commended awards at the 2010 engineering Excellence Awards – Sydney Branch, held on the 17th Sept.
July 2010: Russell Connally wins the ABC TV's New Inventors contest on 30 June 2010
For more details, see The New Inventors
June 2010: Macquarie-led paper on nanodiamonds has been published in Nature Nanotechnology.
This article has clearly had a strong initial impact, being favorably cited both in the Editorial (p. 311) and in a News and Views article by Joerg Wrachtrup (pp. 314–5) – see below.
Well done to James Rabeau and his team of co-authors!
For more details, see page 4 of our newsletter issue 32.
April 2010: LaserFest Sydney
LaserFest Laser Graffiti Videos Now Available for Viewing
LaserFest sponsored a Laser Graffiti Video Contest for student chapters to create an educational video about the science and technology of lasers that incorporates laser graffiti. You can view the eight entries submitted by OSA student chapters around the world. The video that receives the most views will be awarded the People’s Choice Award at CLEO on Sunday, May 16, 2010. For more information on the contest visit the Laserfest website.
March 2010: Laser sources focus group – NEW!
We have just initiated a new special interest group, aimed at drawing together the laser expertise within MQ Photonics. These 'laser sources' meetings are aimed at complementing MQ Photonics seminars, providing a more specialised and technical forum for informal exchange of ideas, sharing of experience, and providing an opportunity for students to discuss their work more widely with their peers.
We will meet fortnightly on Mondays at 11am, E7B161, starting 29 March. All welcome. Please let me know if you wish to be on our mailing list.
February 2010: 9th Annual CUDOS Workshop
The Macquarie entry “So You Think You Can Refract” illustrated light refraction through the unique medium of dance. This entry was awarded second place, narrowly missing out to the University of Sydney entry which beautifully captured CUDOS research using rap! Thanks to Josh Toomey for his hard work editing the Macquarie entry.
December 2009: Well done, Eduardo and Nem!
As previously reported, PhD student Eduardo Granados had been selected to represent our Department of Physics and Engineering at the Australian Institute of Physics's AIP Postgraduate Awards on 24 November. Eduardo tells me that he was satisfied with his presentation, but that he was runner-up to Felix Lawrence (a CUDOS student from the University of Sydney). From what we saw of Eduardo's impressive "practice" talk on our Showcase Day, Felix's talk must have been very good indeed!
Congratulations, too, to PhD student Nem Jovanovic on winning the Wanda Henry Award for the best student presentation (an invited talk – see below) at the Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology part section of the ACOLS/ACOFT 09 meeting. This award should round off many awards accumulated by Nem during his candidature. Nem looks deservedly pleased to be receiving the award from ANU's Professor John Love.
November 2009: A recently published high-impact cover article
M.Ams, G.D.Marshall, P.Dekker, J.A.Piper, M.J.Withford, "Ultrafast laser written active devices," Laser & Photonics Review 3 (6), 535–544 (2009) / DOI 10.1002/lpor.200810050
... a nice review of some of CUDOS@MQ's major progress (impact factor = 4.36)
September 2009: ARC Future Fellowships – a success story for MQ Photonics ...
Dr James Rabeau: Room-temperature quantum microscopy for advanced nanoscale imaging
Dr Richard Mildren: Raman conversion in diamond: next-generation long- and far-infrared and terahertz lasers
September 2009: Engineering Excellence Awards – another success story for MQ Photonics ...
What a team! Kali Madden, Mick Withford, Martin Ams, Peter Dekker, Judith Dawes, Adam Strickland and Robert Williams dressed up and celebrating their success in the 2009 Engineering Excellence Awards.
September 2009: A newly published book edited by Ewa Goldys ...
"Fluorescence Applications in Biotechnology and Life Sciences" edited by Ewa M. Goldys
(Wiley-Blackwell; August 2009; ISBN: 978-0-470-08370-3; 367 pages)
A self-contained treatment of the latest fluorescence applications in biotechnology and the life sciences ...
August 2009: Photonic Simulator Stimulates Learning
From the July/August 2009 issue of Optics & Photonics News (pp.18–19) ...
June 2009: Focus on Astrophotonics - This issue of the MQ Photonics Newsletter features Astrophotonics – the most recent addition to MQ Photonics's research focus areas. Jon Lawrence has written something to keep us informed. Please note, too, that Jon has a number of new publications listed later in this issue. The AAO are also in a stronger financial position following the recent announcement of the next Federal Budget. This will hopefully result in new opportunities to build strategic links between the AAO and MQ Photonics.
May 2009: Congratulations to the winning teams in Macquarie University's Innovation Awards Dinner on Wednesday 6 May 2009. Visit here to view video-clip presentations that describe their inventions. The following research teams from MQ Photonics were winners of 2009 Innovation Awards:
- Invention Disclosure: "Diamond Laser System for Advanced Ablative Microsurgery" Dr Richard Mildren
- Innovation in Research: "Quantum Informatics on a Chip" Dr Graham Marshall, Dr Martin Ams, Dr Peter Dekker & Assoc. Prof. Michael Withford (with Prof. Jeremy O’Brien, Mr Alberto Politi & Mr Jonathan Matthews from U of Bristol, UK)
- Research Students' Innovation: "Highly Functional and Robust, Monolithic Fibre Laser Systems" Mr Nemanja Jovanovic, Dr Graham Marshall, Dr Alexander Fuerbach, Assoc. Prof. Michael Steel & Assoc. Prof. Michael Withford (with Jens Thomas, Stefan Nolte & Andreas Tünnermann from Friedrich-Schiller Universität, Jena, Germany)
Congratulations, too, to Dr Helen Pask and her colleagues, who were Highly Commended in the Commercial Innovation category for their "Continuous Wave Yellow Raman Laser" invention.
April 2009: Four MQ Photonics groups enter final round of the 5th Macquarie University Innovation Awards and are now up for the Winner's prizes to be announced on Wed May 6.