This is an example form demonstrating all of the units offered by Uni–Form, along with suggested message handling, form actions and style.

Default Style

Author: Dragan Babić see more styles →

Ooops! Your error message title

  1. Error number one
  2. Error number two

Looks like everything went OK! Yay!

Default Form Field Layout

This is a form hint.

This is a form hint.

This is a form hint.

This is a form hint.

This is a form hint.

This is a form hint.

This is a form hint.

* Multifield with select boxes

This is a form hint.

* Alternate multifield Layout

This is a form hint.

* Multifield with text inputs

This is a form hint.

* Multifield with radios

This is a form hint.

This is a form hint.

Alternate Form Fields Layout

This is a form hint.

This is a form hint.

This is a form hint.

This is a form hint.

This is a form hint.

This is a form hint.

This is a form hint.

* Multifield with select boxes

This is a form hint.

* Alternate multifield Layout

This is a form hint.

* Multifield with text inputs

This is a form hint.

* Multifield with radios

This is a form hint.

This is a form hint.

Change style